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Actually a suitable time for a small hysteric attack - Chinese torture chamber by QuoomThe nightmare was real - Caught Peschmerga by QuoomActually a suitable time for a small hysteric attack - Chinese torture chamber by QuoomThis time the pain was too great - Caught Peschmerga by QuoomThis time the pain was too great - Caught Peschmerga by QuoomThat is just the beginning, my dear - Caught Peschmerga by Quoom
This time the pain was too great - Caught Peschmerga by QuoomThis time the pain was too great - Caught Peschmerga by QuoomThat is just the beginning, my dear - Caught Peschmerga by QuoomThe nightmare was real - Caught Peschmerga by QuoomThat is just the beginning, my dear - Caught Peschmerga by QuoomThat is just the beginning, my dear - Caught Peschmerga by Quoom
She slumped down, unconscious - Breaking her will by QuoomShe slumped down, unconscious - Breaking her will by QuoomShe slumped down, unconscious - Breaking her will by QuoomNow able only to wriggle her hands and move her head - Chinese torture chamber by QuoomThe screams and babbling cries rose and fell - Breaking her will by QuoomA single stifled cry escaped from between her clenched teeth - Breaking her will by Quoom
No, don't, don't touch me you bastards - Chinese torture chamber by QuoomNow able only to wriggle her hands and move her head - Chinese torture chamber by QuoomA single stifled cry escaped from between her clenched teeth - Breaking her will by QuoomNow able only to wriggle her hands and move her head - Chinese torture chamber by QuoomThe screams and babbling cries rose and fell - Breaking her will by QuoomA single stifled cry escaped from between her clenched teeth - Breaking her will by Quoom
No, don't, don't touch me you bastards - Chinese torture chamber by QuoomThe screams and babbling cries rose and fell - Breaking her will by QuoomA single stifled cry escaped from between her clenched teeth - Breaking her will by QuoomNow able only to wriggle her hands and move her head - Chinese torture chamber by QuoomThe screams and babbling cries rose and fell - Breaking her will by QuoomShe slumped down, unconscious - Breaking her will by Quoom
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